Loggers sports day
the event
Loggers Sports Day is an all-day event, starting with a parade and followed by competing events and ending with a dance at the Sandspit Community Hall.
WHEN? Loggers Sports Day is Sandspit’s Main event since… a very long time! (1964)
It is usually held every year, towards the end of July. This year (2024) the event takes place on July 27th.
WHERE? The Loggers Sports Day Grounds are located right next to the Community Hall and the Sandspit baseball Court. Exact location is here.
WHO CAN PARTICIPATE? Everyone is welcomed to participate. Signing up for the event happens on the day of the event, usually just before the start of the competitive events.
There are food vendors, a beer garden and side activities for kids all day during the event.
Find more details on the facebook event page here.
what are the competitive events?
The competitive events are broken into age groups and by gender.
Loggers Sports Age Divisions are Peewee-6 and under / Junior-7-11 / Novice-12-16 / Adult-17 and older
The event includes competitions such as the “choker race”, “axe throw”, “modified saw buck”, “standing chop”, “horizontal chop”, “obstacle pole buck”, “crosscut saw buck”, the “molly hogan”, the “bowline cut”, the “peevee log roll”, the “nail drive”, and of course the final event: “log burling”!
Multiple prizes can be won, and each competitive event will have a first, second and third place, with all 3 places winning prizes. At the end of the day, the event will crown a King and a Queen Logger for the year.
sponsors and donators
The event can only happen with the generous help of donators and sponsors.
If you would like to donate to the event, you may do so in any of these ways:
By etransfer using the email address admin@sandspitcommunitysociety.com
By sending a cheque made to the order of: "The Sandspit Community Society", and mailed to: The Sandspit Community Society - Box 459 - V0T1T0 Sandspit BC
The main contact and organizer for the event is Betsy Cranmer-Wourms who can be reached by email at bcranmer@hotmail.com
We would like to thank all our donators and sponsors of the event for their regular contributions!
We also acknowledge the contributions and support over the years from Gwaii Trust, NDIT, all Haida Gwaii Communities and MIMSC.